Show Cause Notification & Disclosure
February 12, 2025 Show Cause Notification
Please be informed that Lifework Education has received a continue to show cause letter from the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) on February 12, 2025, and has directed to disclose this show cause action to all current and prospective students falling under their accreditation.
The reasons for the continue to Show Cause notifications are as follows:
The institution has informed ABHES of its intention to close its Mesa, Arizona campus, rather than applying for Non-main Campus Inclusion after its final cohort of students was to graduate on August 22, 2024. Although the institution provided CAAHEP’s September 9, 2024 letter in which that agency identifies the voluntary closure for this satellite location, ABHES has not been informed of the disposition of the 12 Paramedic students scheduled to complete the program at the Mesa campus.
Notification to ABHES is required for an adverse or probationary equivalent action placed upon an institution or program by a recognized accrediting agency, state approval agency, or federal regulatory agency (III.B.4.a.). The Commission found that the institution has not demonstrated compliance with the above standard because it failed to notify ABHES of the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) decision to place the Paramedic program on probation status on March 21, 2024. At this time, the outcome of the January 2025 CAAHEP Board meeting and the institution’s status with that agency has not been shared with ABHES.
The institution is required to immediately notify (within one business day) ABHES of any adverse or probationary equivalent action taken against the institution by CAAHEP, AZPPSE, or any agency that oversees its operations or educational offerings.
Lifework Education Inc. will accordingly submit its response and required documents to ABHES regarding the February 12, 2025 show cause directive and intends to fully comply and remedy the above noted reasons for the show cause action.
As a result, the institution is directed to submit a Teach-Out Plan for all currently approved programs and include in its submission evidence that it has published a new student disclosure notice and that the notice is readily available to enrolled and prospective program students informing them of the show cause action as the reason the Teach-Out Plan is being required.
The institution’s administration, faculty and staff are committed to continuously adhere to federal, state and accrediting agencies’ rules and regulations to preserve the high standards of providing the quality education that all enrolled students deserve.
Lifework Education
February 12, 2025
August 7, 2024 – Show Cause Notification
Please be informed that Lifework Education has received a continue to show cause letter from the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) on August 7, 2024, and has directed to disclose this show cause action to all current and prospective students falling under their accreditation.
The reasons for the continue to Show Cause notifications are as follows: A non-main campus is an educational facility that is approved by ABHES and is considered an additional location (II.B.2.), and a program is approved by the Commission (V.A.1.). Notification to ABHES is required for an adverse or probationary equivalent action placed upon an institution or program by a recognized accrediting agency, state approval agency, or federal regulatory agency (III.B.4.a.).
Lifework Education has not submitted a materially complete Application for Non-Main Campus Inclusion for the Mesa, Arizona campus, which included the addition of the Paramedic program at the facility, as directed by the Commission in its February 14, 2024 letter. In its response, the institution indicated that, upon graduation of the current cohort of students, who are expected to graduate on August 22, 2024, it will only offer the Paramedic program at the main campus in Peoria, Arizona. The Commission found that the institution has not demonstrated compliance with the above standards because it failed to notify ABHES of the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) decision to place the Paramedic program on probation status on March 21, 2024. Additionally, the Commission requested more information in its February 14, 2024 letter to clarify the institution’s required monitoring status with AZPPSE, which requires quarterly reporting. Although the institution asserted in its response that this status is cautionary and not adverse or probationary, it raises concerns about the institution’s financial stability status with AZPPSE.
Lifework Education Inc. will accordingly submit its response and required documents to ABHES regarding the August 7, 2024 show cause directive and intends to fully comply and remedy the above noted reasons for the show cause action.
As a result, the institution is directed to submit a Teach-Out Plan for all currently approved programs and include in its submission evidence that it has published a new student disclosure notice and that the notice is readily available to enrolled and prospective program students informing them of the show cause action as the reason the Teach-Out Plan is being required.
The institution’s administration, faculty and staff are committed to continuously adhere to federal, state and accrediting agencies’ rules and regulations to preserve the high standards of providing the quality education that all enrolled students deserve.
Lifework Education
February 23, 2024 – Show Cause Notification
Please be informed that Lifework Education has received a show cause letter from the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) on February 14, 2024, and has directed to disclose this show cause action to all current and prospective students falling under their accreditation.
The reasons for the Show Cause notifications are as follows: A non-main campus is an educational facility that is approved by ABHES and is considered an additional location (II.B.2.) and, separate educational center(s) located beyond a reasonable and customary commuting distance (beyond 50 miles or more than one hour) from the main campus or ABHES accredited program (Chapter II, Section B.3, subsection C of the ABHES Accreditation Manual). Notification to ABHES is required for an adverse or probationary equivalent action placed upon an institution or program by a recognized accrediting agency, state approval agency, or federal regulatory agency (Chapter III, Section B.4, Subsection A of the ABHES Accreditation Manual). Lifework Education did not provide details regarding reasons why Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education (AZSBPPE) placed the institution on financial reporting, nor was it clear that the financial reporting status is designated by the AZSBPPE as an adverse or probationary equivalent action. The commission found that the institution has not demonstrated compliance with ABHES accreditation manual regarding Representations are accurate and ethical (Chapter IV, Section E, Subsection 1 of the ABHEs Accreditation Manual). The institution has not demonstrated compliance with these standards because it advertises unapproved programs namely Phlebotomy Technician, Cardiographic Technician, Emergency Medical Technician, Caregiver, Assisted Living Caregiver, Assisted Living Manager, CNA to Caregiver Bridge and Certified Nursing Assistant on its website along with its Accredited Program. The institution has not demonstrated compliance with standard of a program approved by the commission (Chapter V, Section A, Subsection 1 of the ABHES Accreditation Manual) because it is offering the following programs at the main campus in Peoria and the facility in Mesa without ABHES approval: Phlebotomy Technician, Cardiographic Technician, Emergency Medical Technician, Caregiver, Assisted Living Caregiver, Assisted Living Manager, CNA to Caregiver Bridge and Certified Nursing Assistant. Since these program offerings prepare students for an occupation and do not meet the exclusion requirements of vocational or professional development courses, the commission must approve them for inclusion within a grant of institutional accreditation. For these reasons the Commission has found reason to direct Lifework Education to show cause why its accreditation should not be withdrawn.
Lifework Education Inc. will accordingly submit its response and required documents to ABHES regarding the February 14, 2024 show cause directive and intends to fully comply and remedy the above noted reasons for the show cause action.
As a result, the institution is directed to submit a Teach-Out Plan for all currently approved programs and include in its submission evidence that it has published a new student disclosure notice and that the notice is readily available to enrolled and prospective program students informing them of the show cause action as the reason the Teach-Out Plan is being required.
The institution’s administration, faculty and staff are committed to continuously adhere to federal, state and accrediting agencies’ rules and regulations to preserve the high standards of providing the quality education that all enrolled students deserve.
Any question on this matter can be directed to (480) 461-1806 or via email at fswiger@lifework.edu.
Lifework Education